
Delicious appetizer, Peach caprese. Peach,···

Delicious appetizer, Peach capre···

Pork and root vegetables miso soup. Used c···

Pork and root vegetables miso so···

Chickpea miso made in 2017.・・2017年作のひよこ豆の味...

Chickpea miso made in 2017.・・201···

Happy Easter!・満開の庭の桜愛おしい。・・#cherrybloss...

Happy Easter!・満開の庭の桜愛おしい。・・#cher···

English peas rice with my preserved cherry···

English peas rice with my preser···

Katsu curry. Sooooooo good・カツカレーなんて、とんかつとカ...

Katsu curry. Sooooooo good・カツカレー···

I made “nigiri sushi” (salmon and aburi sa···

I made “nigiri sushi” (salmon an···

Self hand roll sushi, Temaki-sushi. This i···

Self hand roll sushi, Temaki-sus···

Watercress soup. My husband and I liked it···

Watercress soup. My husband and ···

Temari sushi. ちょっと家にあったもので手毬寿司の練習。・・いつもいつ...

Temari sushi. ちょっと家にあったもので手毬寿司の練···